Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes

Here you can find sermon Notes & Slides from current and previous messages:

If you would like to receive the notes every week through text, sign up by sending “notes” to 928-767-7733.

Changes & Updates

Changes to Ministries and Events We’ve had to make many adjustments to ministries, office hours, and events because of what’s going on with COVID-19. Here’s a quick update: All church services are online-only (Sundays 8:30a // 10:30a & Wednesdays 6:30p) All group ministries have been temporarily suspended: Men’s and Women’s Prayer, Young Adults, Vibrant, High School & Jr High, Children’s Ministry Office hours remain the same, but we’ve adjusted the lobby space in order to maintain ‘social distancing’ Life Groups…

Addressing COVID-19

March 22 1:30 P.M. All across the nation, state and local governments are mandating the shut down of various businesses, public gathering sites, and are restricting all large gatherings. Here at Calvary Prescott, due to various restrictions and recommendations, we conducted our first online-only services today. We were able to have worship, offering, and teaching like a ‘normal’ service. It went well, and we certainly learned a lot about how to make online service work. As the weeks go by…

Our first online-only services

It was quite an experience to have online-only church services. The team of servants was awesome, working hours and hours over the past week to prepare for the challenge! After an introduction, we had live worship, a time of offering, followed by a teaching from Psalm 34. It was a really relevant message about how God uses any kind of trouble in our lives in order to transform us. Of course, our world is in a heap of trouble with…